It is not easy to think about an idea and not to think about applying it or making it happen in real life. This is the difference between people and what makes them think differently. I think about a large number of thoughts but they are not all applied. It was according to conditions, environment, finance, or lack of desire. There are some ideas that I had worked on but did not finish…Why? Because of the first obstacle I confronted.
We can say this is the exact reason why people quit their dreams and goals.
Man pursues the ideal symbol that is in his mind which he can not deny because it was stuck in from his childhood or the very first moment of his life. For example, Muslims say the Azan (call to pray) words in the ear of a newborn child. Also, Christians baptize newborn babies. Religious rituals are one of the reasons why man suffers on Earth. They try to show you the righteous words, behaviours, and deeds that they are the only ones who see it true, correct, and moral.
Regardless of any religious advice or rule, from the day you were born, you know you cannot kill your mother. You know that you must not lie…There are universal morals we are all born with. Hence, we do not need religion to manage our lives. We need absolute “Will power” and mature figures to lead this movement. Also, we need courage and risky choices to reach that level of free living. The only objective of religion used now is to control the communities so as not to rebel against the leaders. It maintains physical peace and mental war; Beliefs Conflict.
For most of my life, I was ashamed of thinking of many questions. Why do I act with people in this way? Why do I love so hard? Where am I among these people? How do others see my thoughts, beliefs, and deeds? How should I navigate in life? Should I agree to everything that I hear or ask about? If I ask, Will I have the answer?… I do not think so, or maybe I will be lied to. However, I live thinking that I am wrong and I search. You live thinking you are right and you do not search…!
It is a shame to think wisely nowadays. I don’t consider myself a thinker but, I love to know and understand a lot of complex issues that surround us with their ambiguity. it is hard to put up with unknown things. life is not what all people imagine…Rosy, happy, and giving. It is a difficult track which can not be traced by all people. They will fall into an abyss. Moreover, the abyss is way harder to get out of, alive. It is misery, poverty, and meaninglessness. We suffer and mourn every time we think about that as our life status. This has nothing to do with others’ achievements, but with our motives to move forward to our death. It is the idea of going through the most absurd and ambiguous paths to gain respect, acknowledgement, and the most important feeling which is love. It is not given freely. You must seek it like seeking your death. Love and death are similar when you can love or be loved. You die in the other’s existence and you will not be yourself as before. It is time to wake up and aim for something more precious and worthwhile…like yourself. Yes, it deserves attention, care, and love.
It is genuinely hard for me to adapt to some kinds of ideas. They are too heavy or difficult to absorb. Of course, one of them would be existential issues, and the others; are related to it. I fully comprehend now…!
I always write about something valueless. Please, do not take my words seriously. I cannot find meaning in my life. That means I am not a good person while writing these words. Live your life as you see it. It is right until you discover it is wrong and vice versa…always.